Take control of your credit card with CardWise by setting up automatic payments, enabling alerts & controls, enrolling eStatements, and more!
Collabria Credit Cards offers a user-friendly digital tool called CardWise, designed to give you 24/7 access to manage your credit card account effectively. Whether you’re checking your balance, making payments, or setting up alerts, CardWise puts you in the driver’s seat.
Key Features of CardWise
- Monitor your account: Gain real-time insights into your credit card activity, including current balance and recent transactions.
- Simplified payments: Make secure payments or schedule automatic payments to avoid late fees and keep your credit score healthy.
- Enhanced control: Set up spending alerts and customize them based on location, merchant category, and more. This empowers you to track spending habits and avoid unauthorized transactions.
- Convenience at your fingertips: Access CardWise through the CardWise Mobile app or the online platform at https://www.collabriacreditcards.ca/myaccount.aspx.
Benefits of Using CardWise
- Effortless account management: CardWise eliminates the need for paper statements and phone calls for basic account management tasks. With a few clicks, you can access the information you need, whenever you need it.
- Stay on top of your finances: CardWise empowers you to be proactive about your finances. Real-time balance updates and customizable alerts help you stay within your budget and avoid overspending.
- Improved security: CardWise offers a secure platform to manage your credit card. You can configure spending controls to minimize the risk of fraud.
Who can use CardWise?
CardWise is available to Collabria credit cardholders. If your credit union has already transitioned to CardWise, you can simply register through the CardWise Mobile app or the online platform.
For more information on CardWise or to set up your account, visit the Collabria Credit Cards website at https://www.collabriacreditcards.ca/.