Annual General Meeting

Your vote, your credit union


Welcome to our AGM hub!

At Luminus Financial, we believe in the power of community and the strength of our collective voice. Our Annual General Meetings (AGMs) are more than just a formality; they are a celebration of our cooperative spirit and an opportunity for you, our valued members, to actively participate in shaping the future of your credit union.

Why attend Luminus Financial AGMs?

Your voice matters
Luminus Financial is a member-driven organization, and your opinions count. AGMs provide you with a platform to express your thoughts, share feedback, and actively contribute to decisions that impact the credit union's direction.
Vote on key decisions
As a member, you have the right to vote on crucial matters that affect Luminus Financial's policies, strategies, and overall trajectory. Your participation ensures that decisions align with the values and needs of our diverse membership.
Shape the future
AGMs are not just about reviewing the past year; they are about charting the course for the future. Your involvement helps set priorities, define goals, and contribute to the long-term success of Luminus Financial.

What happens at an AGM?


How do I participate in an AGM?

Annual General Meeting

Member news & articles


Maximizing Your Investments: Understanding TFSA and RRSP Strategies

If you're pondering over where to allocate your hard-earned money, the choice between a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) and a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) might seem like a daunting [...]
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RESP Savings

Investing in Your Child’s Future: Unlocking Government Support with RESPs

In an era where the cost of post-secondary education is soaring, planning how you will pay for your child's academic future has never been more critical. One powerful solution is [...]
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Retirement RRSP Basics

RRSP Basics – Setting Retirement Goals and Saving for Your Future

Feeling overwhelmed trying to understand Registered Retirement Savings Plans? We’re here to help. Setting and achieving financial goals is something that we all strive to do. But when it comes [...]
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