From now until June 3rd, 2017 the Ontario Credit Union Foundation is challenging credit union staff and members to help raise funds for the CU Succeed Youth Bursary, an important program that helps students in Ontario attend post-secondary education or vocational training and realize their dreams.
We need your help!
Luminus Financial has committed to donate $2,000 to this worthy cause, and we’d like to get ALL our members, families and friends to help us raise another $1,500!! Every dollar will go a long way. So how do you help? It’s easy.
- Donate: If you would like to help provide a brighter future for Ontario youth, you can make a donation online at our Luminus Financial fundraising page.
- Share with family and friends: Send this page or link to all your family and frieds so they can learn more about the CU Succeed Youth Bursary Campaign.
Know someone that needs a bursary?
If you know any youth in secondary school that can benefit from this CU Succeed bursary, they can apply online at OCUF.